Home Activites Athletic Society
1. There shall be two separate Athletic Society, one for +2 students and the other for +3 students of the College.
2. The aim of the society is to promote athletic activities among the students.
3. The Athletic society of Rimuli College consists of all members of the staff and students, the principal being the Ex-officio president.
4. The Executive committee shall consist of :
(a) President - Principal (Ex-officio) (b) Vice - Presidents - Nominated by the Principal from among the teaching staff. (c) The Physical Education Teacher. (d) Secretary - to be elected from among the students, separately for +2 classes an +3 classes. (e) Assistant Secretary - to be elected from among the students of +2 1st yr. +3 1st and IInd yr. classes separately for +2 classes and +3 classes. (f) Class Representative - One from each class for their respective societies. (g) Two Lady Representatives nominated by the principal for the two separate Ahletic Society.
5. Tenure of office shall be for one academic session only.
6. The principal or his nomines from among the teaching staff and the physical Education Teacher will choose the captain and vice-captain for all the outdoor games provided in the college.
7. The secretary cannot be the captain for any games. If a student is elected for both posts he / she shall have to resign from either of the posts.
8. Neither the Secretary nor the Captain should arrange any match unless prior approval of the Principal / Vice-President is obtained.
9. The Executive Committee shall prepare the budget at the beginning of the year.
10. The Vice-President :
(i) The Vice-president will be incharge of all correspondences in connection with ordiering of goods throught the principal. (ii) He / She will be the General Superintendent of all games.
11. The Secretary :
(i) He / She will be the convenor of the General and Sub-Committee meetings with due approval of the vice-president in all cases. (ii) He / She prepare the annual report and submit it for the approval of the vice-president. (iii) He / She organise the college games with the assistance of the Vice-president P.E.T and Captains. (iv) To do such work in connection with sports as vice-president / P.E.T. may assign to him/her.
12. The Assistant Secretary :
The Asst. Secretary will discharge all the functions of the Secretary in his absence and any other function assigned to him / her by the vice-president / P.E.T.
13. Duties of the P.E.T. are :
(i) To organise all indoor and outdoor games. (ii) To copy out all the invoices in the stock book. (iii) To keep an account of the Sports Goods. (iv) To maintain records in connection with the games. (v) To look after the playgrounds. (vi) To do such work in connection with Sports as Vice-President may assign to him.
14. The Principal shall be the final authority in all matters relating to the Society.