Home Activites Dramatic Society
1. The Dramatic Society shall be called "The Rimuli College Dramatic Society". There shall be one Dramatic Society for +2 classes and another for +3 classes.
2. Aims and objects of the Dramatic Society are :
(i) To encourage and cultivate dramatic art among the members by arranging the theatrical performance or by any other means incidental and conducive to this. (ii) To decide the Drama to be performed and fix the date or dates of performances. The decision shall be subject to the approval of the principal.
3. All the students of the College shall be the members of their respective societies.
4. Every student of the College shall pay to the society's account, in the College office, an annual subscription at the time he / she pays his / her first instalment of College fees for the session.
5. The affairs of the society shall be managed by an Executive Committee Consisting of the following members.
(i) President - Principal (Ex-officio). (ii) Vice-president-A member of teaching staff nominated by the principal. (iii) Any other member of teaching staff nominated by the principal. (iv) Secretary - To be elected from among the student of the College, separately for +2 classes and +3 classes. (v) Assistant Secretary - To be elected from among the +2 1st year. +3 1st and IInd year students of the College separately for +2 classes and +3 classes. (vi) Class representative are to be elected from among the students and one from each class for the respective societies of +2 classes and +3 classes. (vii) Two lady representatives to be nominated by the principal for the two separate Dramatic Societies as mentioned above.
6. Election of the members of the Executive Committee shall be held every year on a date to be fixed by the principal.
7. The Executive Committee shall perform the following duties.
(a) To prepare and pass the Annual Budget. (b) To recommend to the president the name of the play to be staged and the date or dates of dramatic performances. (c) To stage the Annual Drama or One Act plays on the College Annual Day. (d) To get the expanditure of the society audited. (e) To sanction the expenditure out of the Reserve Fund for the purchase of property for the up-keep, repairs or replacement of articles of the Dramatic Society.
8. All decisions taken shall get the approval of the principal.
9. The Secretary and the Assistant Secretary shall not be given any role in the plays to be enacted. They shall keep minutes of all meetings and maintain the account of expenditure under the direction of the vice-president. The Secretary or the Assistant Secretary or both of them may be removed from the office if found incompetent in discharging their duties.
(i) by the principal, or (ii) by vote of no confidence passed by not less than 2/3 of the members of the Executive Committee specially called for the purpose and ratified in a meeting of the General Body of members called for the purpose.
10. The quorum for an ordinary meeting of Executive Committee will be four.
11. The principal reserves the right to alter, amend or abrogate any of the rules mentioned above.
12. The principal is the final authority in all matters relating to the association.